Volunteer Opportunities Home

Georgia Southern University

Serve912 Weekly Trips (Spring 2025)

January 27th - April 30th, 2025

Whether you're in need of service hours or just looking for ways to get involved, we've got you covered! Join Serve912 this Spring for any of our weekly trips to local organizations! 

Trips are completely free for students and transportation is provided! We hope you'll join us, and we look forward to serving with you!

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What's your email address?

Your information

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
First Name *
Last Name *
Eagle ID *
Phone Number *

For example, 123-456-7890
SMS (text) messaging:
You may opt-in to receive SMS (text) for Georgia Southern University volunteer activities, including shift reminders and cancellations.

To opt-out, reply STOP to any SMS message OR update the SMS opt-in setting in your profile.
Academic Classification *
How did you learn about this opportunity? *

If "other", please explain:
Who might we thank for referring you?
Are you participating today in order to earn WINGS Points for your organization? *
Please list the FULL NAME of your student organization. Abbreviations will not be accepted. WINGS Points are awarded at the end of the semester. *