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Georgia Southern University

Early Voting Volunteers

October 23rd - 25th, 2018

Volunteer Role:

Volunteers will be responsible for ensuring that the Russell Union stays a campaign-free zone from Tuesday, October 23 - Thursday, October 25. Volunteers will be stationed at various exterior doors to make sure campaign materials (including t-shirts, hats, buttons, etc) do not enter the building during Early Voting. Volunteers will also be checking the perimeter of the Russell Union to ensure campaigning does not happen within 150 feet of the building.

Volunteer Meeting:

Please mark your calendar for Thursday, October 18 at 4:00 p.m. All volunteers for Early Voting will meet in the Russell Union Commons for a quick training on your volunteer role and to get any of your questions answered on the process.

Find details at https://students.georgiasouthern.edu/dean/early-voting-volunteer-information/.

There are no shifts available at this time.

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